EcoTIme 2.0 logo
We are proud to introduce EcoTime 2.0, which focuses on the three dimensions of science instruction emphasized in the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in Science:
Science & Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas.

EcoTime 2.0 Listed by Theme

Supporting documents are included with * Lessons

Animal Adaptations
Adaptation Match*
Observing Animal Adaptations
Adaptation Upgrade
Animal Ball Toss
Vertebrates: Common Traits Greeting*
What Are You Wearing?*
What Animal Am I?
Join the Herd*
Would You Rather?*
Know Your Animals
Know Your Vertebrates
Animal Parts Game
Constellation Match*
Good Morning Sun, My Favorite Star
Moon Puzzle*
Rotate, Rotate, Revolve
Night Sky Map*
Is it Warm? Is it Cool?
Moon Phase Line Up*
Rotate and Revolve: Earth's Movements*
Stories From the Stars*
The Sun's Energy Makes Me Move
News Flash: Eclipse Coming Soon
Length of Daylight
Fascinating Fasteners
Nature Inspired Inventions*
Make it from Nature
Beak Adaptations*
Good Morning, Tweetie*
I'm Thinking of a Bird Game
Tweeting Tallies
Create a Bird
Charting Chirps
Earth Spheres
Spheres of the Earth Greeting
Observing Four Spheres
Spheres of the Earth Model
Eat Up the Food Chain
Good Morning, Ecosystem
Hello Predator, Hello Prey*
Weave a Food Web*
Building an Ecosystem
Predator - Prey Freeze Tag
Food Web Model
Identifying Parts of an Ecosystem
Predator - Prey Narrative
Good Morning, Engineer
Engineering Step by Step
Rock Habitat Engineers
Good Morning, Rock
Rock Property Sort
Building a Rock Tower
Habitat Match*
Shelter Greeting
Habitat Connection
Squirrel in a Tree
Comparing Habitats
Everyone Needs Shelter
Life Cycles
Life Cycle Greeting*
Insect Scavenger Hunt*
Insect Life Cycle Model
Where's My Baby?*
Whose Track is That?*
Guess the Mammal
Walk this Way*
Draw a Mammal
Comparing Mammal Movements
North, South, East or West, My Classroom Friends Are the Best
Never Eat Soggy Waffles
Direction Graph Drawing
Honk, Twitter, Splash: What's Migrating?*
Migration Racin'*
What's Your Story?
Eye Spy
Good Morning, Nature
Sound Wave Greeting
Observation Optics
Collect and Sort Nature Items
Sensory Listening Walk
What Do You See?
Nature Math
Nature Band
Match the Season Puzzle
Seasonal Events
Birthday Seasons
Great Growing Greeting*
Matching Leaves*
Parts of a Tree
Grow Plant, Grow
Tree-mendous Schoolyard Survey*
Branch Puzzles
Great Growing Graph
Create a Leaflet
Tree Drawing
Snowfall Greeting*
How Much Water is in the Snow?
Snow Poem*
Conservation Greeting
Reuse Greeting
Designing Items from Natural Materials
Reduce with Juice
Where Does Our Garbage Go?
Native American Ingenuity
Conservation Practices at School
Reuse Trash/Upcycle
Water Cycle
Hello Precipitation
The Water Cycle Dance
Water Droplet Story
Good Morning, Cirrus
Hello Sunshine
Wonderful Weather Vocabulary*
Weather Watchers*
Weather Data Collecting*
Cloud Art
Nature Weather Report
Fantastic Forecasters
Soil Savers Greeting*
Weathering Walk
Schoolyard Solutions

Contributing Writers and Editors:

Linda Anderson
David Grack
Jill Kufrin
Ed Pembleton
Sil Pembleton
Polly Saatzer

Graphics Design for Front Cover and Additional Resources:

Galen Erickson
David Grack

Administration and Online Design:

Suzanne Fuluvaka


Current Jeffers Board of Directors, Cara Rieckenberg, Prior Lake-Savage Teachers & Administrators who developed ecotime


Paul Oberg (1931-2021)
Former Jeffers CEO and champion of education programs and resources that support outdoor learning
In 2010, Jeffers Foundation, working with teachers from the Prior Lake-Savage Area School District, produced ecotime, curricula to build a culture of science and the environment in the classroom while addressing academic standards. The lessons were used by teachers all across Minnesota.
In 2021, Jeffers Foundation updated ecotime, and is proud to introduce EcoTime 2.0, which continues a Jeffers Foundation commitment to providing high quality instructional materials.
The 120 lessons focus on three dimensions of science instruction emphasized in the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in Science: Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core ideas.

Features of EcoTime 2.0:

  • A themed-lesson format includes three types of lessons: Greeting, Science Activity & Interdisciplinary Lesson
  • Greetings (blue) build community and engage students in practices that develop an understanding of core ideas.
  • Science Activities (yellow) promote investigation, analysis, and interpretation of data related to core ideas.
  • Interdisciplinary Lessons (green) extend science instruction to include student research, designing solutions to engineering challenges, producing reports, building models and more.
  • Lessons enhance learning and engagement by connecting science to language arts, math, art, and engineering.
In addition to focusing on 3-dimensional teaching, EcoTime 2.0 is designed to encourage outdoor learning while incorporating the use of science journals.
Each lesson can stand on its own. But a three-lesson set works to build student understanding of science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas in context with the real-world…the natural world.