What is the Jeffers Foundation?
Connect with the Jeffers Foundation
How it came to be
Jeffers Foundation was made possible through a bequest of the estate of Robert (Bob) W. Jeffers, a long-time resident of Prior Lake, Minnesota. Proceeds from the development of Prior Lake property owned by Bob together with ownership of some unimproved land constituted the initial foundation financial resources. Through the efforts of Jeffers chairman, Paul W. Oberg, income derived from these resources permits Jeffers to offer its products and professional development programs free of charge to teachers.
Jeffers Foundation was established in March 2005 for the following purpose: “…to provide for direct primary education and the development of primary education principles, models, and curricula aimed at teaching young persons the value of wise stewardship of natural resources… and insuring the conservation and preservation of natural resources for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.”
Operating Foundation
An operating foundation with an IRS 501c3 designation, Jeffers Foundation is engaged in a variety of activities aimed at fulfilling its primary objective. Jeffers seeks out opportunities to work with individuals both educators and others who have an interest in Environmental Outdoor Education. Jeffers works with schools at all levels to promulgate programs aimed at helping students learn sound principles of environmental stewardship. Jeffers seeks to spread professional development programs aimed at making the generalist teacher more comfortable in teaching EE stewardship principles in the Outdoor Classroom. Jeffers seeks meaningful partnerships with others of common interests, the synergy of like minds and diverse means.
Jeffers’ first Grant in the Spring of 2005, went to Five Hawks Elementary School to make possible an all-school “Big Splash” water festival in the fall of that year. This was a highly successful project that was well received. Since that first grant, Jeffers has awarded many grants through a Partnership Grant Program. In addition, Jeffers has sponsored and supported successful enterprises with the Prior Lake Savage Area school district, Community Education programs, residential environmental learning centers, individual elementary schools, civic organizations, teacher and professional groups, St. Catherine University , the University of Minnesota Morris, the U of M Duluth, the Cities of Savage and Prior Lake Minnesota and many more.
Jeffers Pond
Jeffers Pond
Jeffers Pond - a Special Place to Enjoy and Renew
Jeffers Foundation came into being as a result of a bequest from Bob Jeffers who owned and developed property in Prior Lake, Minnesota. Before development part of the land was farmed, but part was a hilly terminal moraine with a small deep lake or pond surrounded by woods. As Bob developed the property, he desired that these natural areas be preserved for spiritual and psychological renewal and the education of those who would visit.
Jeffers Pond welcomes you to its paths, vistas and special places to enjoy nature, refresh and renew.
Educated Children
Earth’s Best Environmental Stewards
It is our conviction at Jeffers Foundation that teaching primary age children proper environmental principles is an essential element in responsible earth stewardship. It follows that a major mission of Jeffers Foundation is to encourage and make possible for young people experiences in environmental education. We sponsor/support initiatives which encourage the establishment and development of Environmental Education Programs in individual schools and school districts as well as in other public and private groups. We support Environmental Education teachers, teacher development materials and programs designed to help young persons learn that they are responsible for the world they live in.
Nature Preserved
Special Places to Share and Enjoy
We therefore, search out these natural "islands" in the world around us and secure them with a conservation easement to be maintained by a suitable nonprofit entity which will make available forever, their special qualities and attributes for everyone.
Productive Partnerships
The Synergy of Like Minds and Diverse Means
Jeffers Foundation is only one resource. We have discovered many others who have the same or similar goals. We wish to establish relationships with as many of these as possible to accomplish our mission. We seek to identify networks of like-minded organizations and individuals. We will partner with schools and school districts, counties, cities, towns and neighborhoods; with environmentally responsible businesses and with individuals who have as their goal the environmental education of children and the preservation of natural settings. We desire to be a catalyst in creating synergistic relationships which involve partners at the local, state, and national level.
Connect with the Jeffers Foundation
Contact the Jeffers Foundation
Jeffers Foundation
2605 Fernbrook Lane Suite B-1
Plymouth, MN 55447
Phone/Fax: 952-475-9914