Karner Blue Educational Center Nature and place-based program Uses raised garden beds with trellises Serves to help students manage anxiety and behavior Helps students become…
Vandyke Elementary Large 40' x 40' garden space Garden uses "evidence-based curriculum" from USDA Serves students in summer programs Partners with community organizations Has an…
Raven Stream Elementary The garden enhances the Farm-to-School program The garden uses raised beds The produce is served in the lunchroom and donated to a…
Adams Spanish Immersion The garden uses raised garden beds The garden is coordinated by the school nurse Students plant seeds in the classroom in the…
Noble Elementary The garden uses 2 foot high raised garden beds Program is tied to state standards Garden has a "Three Sisters Garden" Summer school…
Byron Elementary Mariposa style garden Located on school grounds Raised bed gardens with trellises Staff developed garden curriculum Garden part of a community service activity…
American Swedish Institute Seven Smart Pots Big Bag Bed Fabric Raised Beds Serves PICS (Parents in Community Action) Head Start children and families Supports health…
Campbell-Tintah Elementary Uses raised garden beds Grows several types of vegetables Garden activities tied to curriculum Partners with 4H Club Area surrounded by fence Several…
Metro Deaf School School garden designed to teach students respect for nature Provides an opportunity for deaf students to experience the joy of gardening Uses…
Hiawatha / Howe Community Garden was a cooperative effort between school and PTO Has a Native Three Sisters Garden Hands on Living Lab for learning…