Rogers Elementary STEM Magnet
- Serves students in grades K-5
- Nine raised bed gardens 8′ x 4′
- Veggie and pollinator gardens
- Garden ties to the school curriculum
- Students involved in all stages of the garden
- Have a ‘Watch Dog Dads’ program
- Partners with several community groups
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Rogers Elementary STEM Magnet School established their school garden to get students into the sunlight for vitamins, exercise, hands-on learning, to teach them where their food comes from, to help them care for the environment, and to increase the variety of foods they eat. Students are involved in all aspects of planning the garden. They help plant the seeds, weed, water, and make predictions about what they think will happen. Students and staff in the summer EdVenture Club program help maintain the garden during the summer. The school works with a Master Gardener, who helped guide them through the correct steps of planning and maintenance. They grow a wide variety of vegetables some of which are enjoyed by the students and some donated to CROSS, a local non-profit agency that supports families in need in their community. They also created a pollinator garden, consisting of native wildflowers to attract bees and butterflies.
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