Tri-City United
- Serves students in grades K-8
- Uses garden tables and raised garden beds
- Kidzone students involved in summer months
- Program coordinated by Food Services Director
- Garden located adjacent to the school kitchen
- Cooking classes for students offered by Food Services
- Have a school garden team of adults
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Tri-City United School believes that giving the children the ability to learn where food comes from is key to their life-long learning about healthy living. Their Food Services Director oversees the program and their garden is conveniently located in an area close to the kitchen and water sources. Here they have plenty of green space available for Phase I of this project with room for expansion. They have two 3’x5′ garden tables and two 4’x8′ raised garden beds where they grow a variety of vegetables and herbs. During the school year, students were provided the opportunity to plan, plant, and water the gardens. In the summer months, students involved in their Community Education ‘Kidzone’ program were involved in caring for the garden. Also, during the summer program students had the opportunity to harvest some of the produce and learn from their food services director how to prepare it in the school kitchen. During the school year, the food service director, kitchen team, and custodial crew supervise the garden. During the summer months they have staff available for their meals program that also help supervise the garden.
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