Alice Smith Elementary
- Serves students in grades PreK-6
- Have a Community Garden
- Grows a variety of vegetables
- Kids & Company students involved during school year and in summer
- Uses galvanized corrugated metal planters
- Area 20′ x 40′ enclosed by fence
- Garden connected to school curriculum
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The Hopkins School District highly encourages every school to have a garden. The District is very helpful with teacher resources and opportunities to learn how to incorporate lessons into the garden. The school chef helps by using as much produce as possible in the school lunches that are made fresh daily for the students. School Nutrition and Lifestyle Services hosts a spring meeting to provide resources and support for all Hopkins Schools to help them succeed in their school gardens. Kids & Company plays a vital role both during the school year and throughout the summer. Supervision of the garden year-round is a group effort consisting of school staff and community members. They believe it is vitally important to have a strong support system and give the community some ownership in the garden. The Hopkins School District is a great source of support, and in combination with a young and vibrant community make this project a perfect match. Although Hopkins is a suburb of Minneapolis the neighborhood surrounding Alice Smith is full of small city lot houses with young families that attend the school. This condensed population is perfect fit for a community garden.