Kasson-Mantorville Elementary
- Serves grades PreK-5
- SACC (School Age Child Care) program
- Year-round afterschool program
- Have two raised bed veggie gardens
- Partner with County Public Health and Master Gardeners
- Students involved in all aspects of gardening
- Serves produce in the afterschool program
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Kasson-Mantorville Community Education has a year-round afterschool program that serves Prek-5th grade. The garden program is designed to help students connect with nature. There are two 6′ by 12′ raised garden beds each containing different varieties of vegetables. They also have planted raspberry bushes near the garden beds. Each grade level is assigned a chore to do in the garden. Being a year-round school, students are able to be involved in the entire process of planting seeds, growing the produce, and finally harvesting and enjoying the results. Community Ed has worked cooperatively with the Dodge County Public Health Coordinator to help sustain the garden. They also have partnered with the University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener Program and their “Project Kids” afterschool program.
For more information contact j.baker@komets.k12.mn.us.